How Tang Soo Doo has helped me from my last Test.
By: Karina Slovitsky.
First off I would like to say that from my last test to this one, I have grown not only in body. But in mind and spirit. I have been given challenges that I never thought to of accomplished, and completed them with no regrets. With Tang Soo Do, it has given me many reasons to keep going. Many of the people who make black belt sometimes quit because they think that they made it to black belt and it is over. But I begged to defer, it is still just the beginning. There are still, so many things to explore and learn. It is like life itself, when you think you have lived it to its fullest and your time is almost done, it is never done because when something ends another thing begins. I have been taught many things, from my last test to this one more than I thought to have been taught. When I was taught and able to grasp the concept of it, I was happy to accomplish someone that I was ignorant of to start with. With knowledge come responsibilities that come with the knowledge and not to use it carelessly. I learned during the short two year a little bit of the fan, the dagger and new forms as well. I enjoyed every second of it, Tang Soo Do is a passion to me, and I will keep enjoying it. I was always had karate help me through a lot. Especially through tough times, times when I wanted to just quit because the stress and the expectations were too high for me to possibly catch up with. But I worked through all of it, many times, I just wanted to lose my very heated temper. I always stopped to think, what would I do as a black belt and not a hair triggered bomb? I always made the right choices many times. When people in my class at school would make fun at me, on countless occasions, would sometimes ignore them, or say a word like "Oh" and "Really". To stop the harassing in its tracks with such a simple but powerful word to make sure it doesn't continue, because I know that it is better to stop something before it happens. But there is another instance in which, in which I had to put what was right ahead of what I thought was right.
One day I had to help a friend in need, who really needed an adults help. I thought in my mind I could help him for which he was my friend and I would do anything to help him, but in this instance I need what had to be done ahead of what I thought had to be done. In the end I helped out him out and my other friends that I told, assured me that I did the right thing to help my friend and give him the help he needed. I felt proud of myself in that I put what was right ahead of what I thought what was right. Usually when I am in karate and what I think is right is not right, I really have to put aside my own thoughts and listen to what is really right, in what I am being taught or else I am not going to be able to learn the way I should. What can I say? I dislike criticism with a hot passion, but I have to push that away and learn what I need to know, or else I won't be able to move on. I try not to show my displeasure, but sometimes it is very hard. But Tang Soo Do, has taught me respect, humility and obedience and I have to abide by those values in order to become successful. Along with other matters, Tang Soo Do has also helped me out with family matters as well. When I have to help my mother out with her old age, I usually I help her out by teaching her some stretched I learned in karate.
It helps me mother legs as well as her back, because if you work out it will help you out in old age.
Also with my father in which, his knees are not what they used to be and I help him with certain stretches to put strain off of his poor old knee.
By: Karina Slovitsky.
First off I would like to say that from my last test to this one, I have grown not only in body. But in mind and spirit. I have been given challenges that I never thought to of accomplished, and completed them with no regrets. With Tang Soo Do, it has given me many reasons to keep going. Many of the people who make black belt sometimes quit because they think that they made it to black belt and it is over. But I begged to defer, it is still just the beginning. There are still, so many things to explore and learn. It is like life itself, when you think you have lived it to its fullest and your time is almost done, it is never done because when something ends another thing begins. I have been taught many things, from my last test to this one more than I thought to have been taught. When I was taught and able to grasp the concept of it, I was happy to accomplish someone that I was ignorant of to start with. With knowledge come responsibilities that come with the knowledge and not to use it carelessly. I learned during the short two year a little bit of the fan, the dagger and new forms as well. I enjoyed every second of it, Tang Soo Do is a passion to me, and I will keep enjoying it. I was always had karate help me through a lot. Especially through tough times, times when I wanted to just quit because the stress and the expectations were too high for me to possibly catch up with. But I worked through all of it, many times, I just wanted to lose my very heated temper. I always stopped to think, what would I do as a black belt and not a hair triggered bomb? I always made the right choices many times. When people in my class at school would make fun at me, on countless occasions, would sometimes ignore them, or say a word like "Oh" and "Really". To stop the harassing in its tracks with such a simple but powerful word to make sure it doesn't continue, because I know that it is better to stop something before it happens. But there is another instance in which, in which I had to put what was right ahead of what I thought was right.
One day I had to help a friend in need, who really needed an adults help. I thought in my mind I could help him for which he was my friend and I would do anything to help him, but in this instance I need what had to be done ahead of what I thought had to be done. In the end I helped out him out and my other friends that I told, assured me that I did the right thing to help my friend and give him the help he needed. I felt proud of myself in that I put what was right ahead of what I thought what was right. Usually when I am in karate and what I think is right is not right, I really have to put aside my own thoughts and listen to what is really right, in what I am being taught or else I am not going to be able to learn the way I should. What can I say? I dislike criticism with a hot passion, but I have to push that away and learn what I need to know, or else I won't be able to move on. I try not to show my displeasure, but sometimes it is very hard. But Tang Soo Do, has taught me respect, humility and obedience and I have to abide by those values in order to become successful. Along with other matters, Tang Soo Do has also helped me out with family matters as well. When I have to help my mother out with her old age, I usually I help her out by teaching her some stretched I learned in karate.
It helps me mother legs as well as her back, because if you work out it will help you out in old age.
Also with my father in which, his knees are not what they used to be and I help him with certain stretches to put strain off of his poor old knee.